3 thoughts on “Videos

  1. Candance-
    Thanks so much for sharing your life in pictures and in video.
    It is fun to keep up with you and your family this way. You do a great job.
    It was fun to hear Caleb sing and play his guitar.I did notice that he really liked the clapping part! I loved watching the little girl in the pink jumper swaying to the music – very cute. Is there anything Chris can’t do? what a talented guy! Are you still headed to Oregon. I read through and couldn’t see where it said you were for sure. Praying for your last days there with friends and as you say your “Vaya con Dios” to those you have come to love. Keep blogging!

  2. Yeah. That was the best singing and playing I have ever heard. He must get after his grams. HA HA 🙂

  3. Thanks for sharing- I try to keep up with you and your family through Belinda at work but the video and all the many wonderful pictures have been so much fun to look at. Good luck and God speed toward your next journey.

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